Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > cage


23 9:51:52

QUESTION: hi again calyopea.since I've been having my 2budgies for 7months they never came out of the cage to play with me what should i do??and i bought a big tube waterer and put it in the i still got to change the water everyday like i did when the bird had the dish??plus i never gave them a shower b4 what should i do??!!!

ANSWER: Hello Alvin,

To tame your budgie you should take them out one at time and go to a quiet room to spend some time with the bird, like a bathroom. Be sure the birds wings are cut before you do this. Just spend about 7-10 minutes with the bird a couple times a day to have the birds get used to you. Talk to them quietly and whistle or sing. If they won't come out of the cage willingly, first try offering a small treat to them, like millet spray.

Budgies will sometimes put pieces of their food into the waterer and it can be a perfect place for bacteria and germs to grow. I would change it everyday. If you put the waterer on the opposite side of the cage where the food is not, they will probably not get it as dirty. Still changing it everyday makes a healthy bird.

Most birds will enjoy a nice shower. If your birds are not tame though i wouldn't recommend this. If you have a small cage you could take that into the shower and let them breathe in the steam. That is good for their mucous membrane.

Hope i was able to help!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok but the problem is i cant get them out of the cage dont u have like a video??should i force them out of the cage b grabbing them out or what?

ANSWER: Hello Alvin,

What you need to do is take them to a place to get their wings clipped if you cannot do it yourself. A budgie becomes so much more docile when it knows it can't fly. Once it wings are clipped you just gently grab them out of the cage and go to the bathroom and place them on the floor until they calm down a bit. One at a time, of course. From there you can pick them up and slowly train them to sit on your hand. Taming does not occur over night. You need to be determined and have alot of patience. It will take time. Thankfully you are working with fairly young birds.

Hope this helped!


(any other questions feel free to ask...don't forget to rate the answer)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what do you think my budgies offspring(baby) color could be like

Hello Alvin,

Since your male is blue and your female is white with some blue, i would guess your baby birds will not look much different than the parents. They will probably be mostly blue since this is the dominant color. When my budgies bred the male was green and my female looked like yours, and some of the babies were blue and some were yellow with some green. It really depends on the dominant color and since your birds dominant color is blue, more than likely that's what the babies will be.

Hope I helped!

(any other questions feel free to ask...don't forget to rate the answer!)
