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Budgie friends

23 9:51:53

Hi anotrher question,I would like to get my budgie a companion, but I don't know which species they get along with. Please tell me which ones! List all you know please! Thank you!

Dear Kimalo,
thank you for your question.
Budgies should only be kept with other budgies. They may get along with other parrot species, but it's not real company for them because the different species have a totally different language. If you have a big aviary, you can keep different parakeet species together, but in a normal cage, you should only keep one species.

If you have a young bird, get another young one and if you have an older bird, another older bird is the best companion. Young birds often annoy older birds with their constant playing and attention. Males get along with both males and females, but two females often bicker.
I hope I was of some help to you