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my budgie...

23 9:52:35

i got my budgie on Friday the 5th of October and i am a bit worried.he is eating but i haven't seen him drink yet. i just wanted to know if budgies drink allot a day and if there is any particular pattern if they do. this is my first budgie and he is real cute so i am not sure about if i should be worried or not.please reply. Kate (13)

Hi, Kate,

It is not unusual for a new bird that has been moved to not eat/drink for a day or so.  This is because being moved is stressful on a bird, not to mention that the bird is in a new environment and has new people to learn to know.  

Budgies don't drink a lot each day, but they do drink a little bit.  Each bird is different, so their drinking "patterns" if there is such a thing are different.  A bird drinks when it is thirsty!  Your bird could be drinking when you are not observing it.  I don't think you have anything to worry about.  Watch the water level in the water dish/water bottle and see if you see it going down from yesterday.
