Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > eggs!!??


23 9:54:08

I work at a nursing home that has a cage with 5 Budgies, there are 3 eggs in the bottom of the cage. What can I do to make this a successful hatching or is there no hope? The room is kinda cold and being November in Ohio not alot of sunlight. The female was sitting on them for a little while. Everyone is afraid to "disturb" them so the cage is not being cleaned etc., can I move the eggs to clean?

Hello Barb! Since there is no nest box the eggs will probably not hatch. Normally the female doesn't mind if you touch the eggs and move them, as long as you put them back in the same spot. If there is no male present then the eggs will not hatch anyway. You can just throw the eggs away if the female is not laying on them. Esp. if the eggs are cold, then the embryo is probably dead. The female wont mind at all if you touch them though.