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A mate for my budgie

23 9:45:22

Hi. We have a budgie almost a year old.  We think she is lonely and want to get her a mate. Can you please confirm we should get the opposite sex about the same age? Also to have them in separate cages for a week or 2 before putting them in together? Thank you

You should wait until she is a year or more before getting her a mate.  Younger budgies tend to have more problems like eggbinding and abandoning eggs.  

The age of the male isn't a big deal.  One the same age or older should be fine.  

You should separate them for about 30 days before introducing them.  That way they won't transmit diseases.  Just because they aren't sick, they may carry pathogens that the other bird won't have immunity to.  After that, you should be able to introduce them.