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eggs problem

23 9:49:40

Hi My name is Jorge, I have 5 budgies for almost 2 years.

One pair are in one cage and the rest in other. male and female start mating
around late august. My cage is a regular cage 24x18x18. I put a regular wood
nest and coconut husk. the female decide for the coconut. She laid 4 eggs
starting, the first egg around september first, but after many days of hatching
on september 25 the hen throw out the eggs. I feel so bad. Could you explain to
me the problem.

Is the coconut to small for hatching the eggs?.

Any Idea about this  thank very much  

Hi Jorge!

I'm so, so, so, so sorry that this came so late. I was having major computer problems. I realize it might be a bit late to answer your questions, but on the off chance that I'm not I'll go ahead and answer. First off, the average parakeet incubating period is between 18-20 days, so your eggs were infertile and the female was just throwing them out so she could make room for a new clutch. It may take her a few tries before you have chicks! Again, sorry for the delay.

Hope this helps!