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Sick Baby budgie

23 9:53:04

My otherwise happy baby budgie (5 weeks) has since yesterday stopped eating, and is doing the sleeping death wash roost in the corner.
She started to nibble on a cracker, but quickly stopped and went back to sleep.
I am thinking to force feed her, her crop has been empty since yesterday.
What should I use, or is this the right idea?
I will continue looking on the net, but thought I would ask you.
Sincerely, KayCee

Hi, KayCee.

Your 5-week old baby budgie needs to be seen by a certified avian veterinarian ASAP.  Don't hesitate or you might lose this baby bird.  Call an avian vet tomorrow morning and tell them your bird needs to be seen ASAP.

If this baby is only 5 weeks old, it should still be handfeeding or in the process of being weaned.  I would not recommend force feeding, as this would result in more stress, which this baby does not need right now.  You need to get at least some Pedialyte (or plain water) in this baby...warm liquid...with an eyedropper or handfeeding syringe if the bird won't drink on its own.  If this doesn't work either, try dropping some liquid off the tip of your finger into the side of its beak.  If this goes well, then try offering some Ensure Plus (warm) or baby parrot handfeeding formula.  Do this until you can get in to see the vet.  
