Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > birdie flew away.. PLEASE ANSWERR

birdie flew away.. PLEASE ANSWERR

23 9:50:02

Oh.. my gosh..
So, i was playing with it, and the wind blew the door open, she flew away..
There's another keet living in the cage..They are "mates" Salt, and pepper!!
Salt, unfourtunlet flew away!
Hwo should i get it back?
It flew away at
8/25/2008 at around 2 o clock.
i know it's near me somehwere..

Hi susie!

I'm sorry to say, but once a bird gets out, it's usually gone for good. There are many dangers, including cats and other predators, poison, and flying too high and suffocating from the low oxygen levels. You can try putting the cage outside, under your supervision and see if Salt comes back when Pepper calls. I'm sorry for answering this a little late.

Hope this helps!