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budgie itching and dandruff

23 9:51:54

My 7 year old male budgie has been constantly itching and scratching for the last 2 weeks now. Tiny dry flakes of skin like dandruff fall everywhere. This has never occurred with him before. Please advise.

Hello Clemmie,

I would say that he is just molting but you say this has never happened before. I would recommend talking to your avian vet since this has been going on for two weeks. Birds are great at hiding illness until it's too late. Has he been showing any other signs of illness like his eating or sleeping habits or diarrhea? There is a medicine called Avian Bird Soother that helps reduce superficial itching and helps heal sensitive skin. You can look this up on

and ask your vet if this would be ok to use for your particular case.

Hope this helps!


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