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breeding season

23 9:51:53

QUESTION: ok calolypia thanks a lot.but on theres this pied like mine who layed eggs and she had the same cere as my when is the breeding season in the us??(fall,spring,winter,summer)not month season.thanks

ANSWER: Hello Alvin,

The cere your budgie has is the cere of an immature bird. Birds are physically ready to breed at 3-4 months. However this is an unsafe time to breed them because they are still so young. The risks of something bad happening are higher with an extremely young budgie. I am not saying your bird CAN'T breed now, it's just not a safe time. Does the whiter budgie have big black eyes with no white rings in them? The white rings in their eyes are a sign of maturity. The breeding season for budgies corresponds with the seasons in Australia (their origin). Therefore budgies are not in condition all year round. Sometimes, if the conditions are right a budgie will breed anytime, but normally fall to spring is their season.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
Hope I could help!
Don't forget to rate the answer! :-)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the reason why my white budgie dont have gray stuff in their eyes is because she's a pied.pied eyes are always black.

ANSWER: Hello Alvin,

Your pied budgie looks young to me, i don't know what else to say. If they are kept in the same cage and they are male and female then why haven't they tried to breed before? Have you had your pied for more than 7 months? I need to know an estimated guess of how old YOU think YOUR budgie is, then i can help you.

Tell me the answers to the questions and i think i will be able to help!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok thanks for answering this quick.
i've been having them for 7months female might be 10or plus not younger.because the pet store said they get them when they are about 3to 4months.for less chancce of hurting my female,i prefer saying that i got her at yeah she might be 10 or up


Well in that case, her cere will probably be turning brown soon. It is safe to breed her at 1 year or older. Patience is key, and your female will thank you too. In the meant time, be sure you are reading up on how to breed your birds. Make sure you have all the supplies and you know what to do if something goes wrong.

