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Budgie sexuality

23 9:52:00

i want to get a young male budige. I also know that budgies can only(...?) be sexually identified by the color of the cere. The thing is, I want to get a YOUNG budgie, so in short, according to theory, I cannot be sure i I am getting a male or female, because since they are young, they didn't develop their cere color.

Is there any other way to identify budgie sexuality?

Dear Raymond,
thank you for your question.
You can pull a feather and let a vet do a DNA sexing, but it's expensive. But unless you get a latino, albino or pied bird, you can tell the sex even with young birds, this website shows how it's done (scroll down to the bottom):

There's not much difference between males and females, Females may bicker among themselves, but toward humans, both sexes act the same. It's also only a myth that males get tame faster or will learn to speak better, that's a question of the bird's persionality. I recommend getting tow birds, anyway. Budgies are extremely social and even if you spend a lot of time with the bird, it will be lonely and bored when you're not around. Two birds have each other to play with, so you don't have to worry about that. They can be tamed just as well as a single bird, especially if you get young bird. A male and a female go well together (and won't breed unles you offer a nesting box, which I don't recommend) or two males.
I hope I was of some help to you