Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > HELP!!


23 9:50:11

Ok..I dont have the money to take my bird to a vet, and there's something wrong with her eye! All around her eye is brown, and there are no feathers, and she cant open her eye and she keeps scratching at it! She was fine, and then five minutes later her eye is like that! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!

Hi Jessica!

This is urgent! Normally I'd tell you to take your bird to the vet, and since you've already expressed that you can't, then I'll just have to help provide some first aid of your own to keep your bird comfortable for the time being. First off, put your bird in a hospital cage, and if you can't then try to provide your bird warmth. Wrap a warm towel around the cage, and place the cage near the warmest area of your home. Then, wipe around your bird's eye with a warm wash cloth or paper towel, and, if need be, add some antibiotic ointment around her eye, this should help with any pain your bird is having. You also need to try to discourage her from scratching at it. Besides, this I can't really help, it is hard to diagnose online, but this is all you can do for now. I'm sorry I couldn't help more.

Hope this helps!