Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Nesting Budgies

Nesting Budgies

23 9:53:21

My question is that my budgies had babies the other day. Im not sure how many there are but i think there three. So yesterday i kept hearing this loud chirp. i went to go see and there was a chick at the bottom of da cage. i quickly put him back in the nest. and again this morning there was a chick on the bottom. is there any explination for this. and what can i do?

                                     Thanks for your help

Hey Efrain,

I have had a few questions about this. A baby budgie should only really come out of the nesting box when it begins to get feathers, so just keep putting them back in. Either the babies are just curious and want to explore, or the mother is pushing them out because she feels that this is too much. If that is so, please make sure that ALL baby budgies are fed, even if this means hand feeding them. Bye for now.
