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Buggie eggs

23 9:46:01

I have two budgies in a cage and one of them lay eggs but she is always fighting the other budgie what should I do.  And how long do the eggs take to hatch?

Hi, Jacqueline,

You haven't provided enough information for me to answer your question.

Are these 2 birds female or a male/female bonded pair?  Females can lay infertile eggs without having mated with a male.  Often times, 2 females together may fight with each other, particularly when eggs have been laid.

How old are the birds?

Is there a nestbox installed or were the eggs laid on the cage bottom?

If their fighting is drawing blood, injuring one of the birds, or seems overly aggressive, you may need to separate these birds.  However, this depends on your definition of "fighting."  What appears to be fighting to some people may actually be normal budgie behavior.  Two females together could result in one being "jealous" of the other with eggs and fighting will result, the other bird might destroy the laid eggs, etc.

If fertile and properly incubated, parakeet eggs hatch about 18 days AFTER incubation begins.
