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opening cage door

23 9:53:53

i cant afford another cage for my parakeets. i provided them with 2 toys. is it enough for them?
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i couldnt write on the same one i did last time. computers broken. anyway, i didnt cut theur wings so whenever i let them out, they can fly up on a high place i cant reach them. i cant find a vet to do it and im scared i will cut somethig else. do you have any idea how i could make them feel better instead of taking them out?
Hi again, Katelyn.

I don't know for sure that you need to do anything to "make them feel better."  Since they have babies right now, there isn't anything you can do except leave them in their cage if you don't want to let them out because you can't catch them.  Is there any way you can enlarge their cage any, such as adding another cage to the cage they are currently in so they have more room to roam around?  It might be that their cage isn't large enough to begin with.


Hi again, Katelyn.

Evidently, they aren't interested in the toys you provided.  If they are trying to get out of the cage, then they are unhappy inside the cage (unless they are used to being outside their cage and now don't understand why they are confined to being inside their cage).  

If you can't afford another cage and they aren't interested in the toys, then there's not much else you can do.  These birds should have enough to do just caring for the 2 babies they have.  I can't help out a lot here because I don't know their daily routine and exactly what's going on there...I can only guess and try to help.
