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how to heel my birds broken foot

23 9:52:59

I have a 6 year old Quaker Parrot and just the other day she flew into the wall for some odd reason, and now she is refusing to walk or even move her foot! I'm taking her to the vet soon, but I'm afraid to because i don't want to hear that we will have to put her down or take off her leg! i don't know what will happen, but i was wondering, will it be able to heal itself? if they so have to take her leg off, will she survive like that, or will she die? and the last thing is, if they don't have to do anything drastic to it and just put a splint on it, will it make her feel uncomfortable or hurt her?

Hi, Angela.

You need to keep your bird's wing flight feathers trimmed so she doesn't fly into a wall or something worse.  It's a wonder she didn't break her neck and die when she hit the wall.

You need to take this bird to a certified avian vet ASAP.  "Soon" may be too late if the foot is broken.  Once it heals, the vet may have to break it again in order to set it.  It's probably too late now, but you still need to take the bird ASAP if you suspect a break.  Your bird will not have to be put down because of a broken leg/foot.  Many birds live wonderful lives with leg/foot problems.  However, sometimes their owners have to customize their cages to accommodate any physical problems.  If the leg is broken it can heal by itself, but it may not heal properly.  The leg/foot may not even be broken at all, but you won't know this if you don't get medical attention.  An avian vet will do everything in his/her power to help your bird and keep your bird out of pain/discomfort.  After all, they have chosen caring for animals as their lifelong career, which means they must love animals a lot.
