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male budgie new female friend

23 9:49:49

I have had a male budgie for over 2 years and felt it was sad he lives alone. So have acquired a larger cage and now a female ( I hope she is a she her piece above beak is very palish white, seller said it is female). She is quiet and makes only small noises he seems very excited I believe he is singing to her but he seems to want to peck at her a bit , mainly on the wing is this normal for introducing themselves, I can separate again for a while as cage has a sliding but viewable cage partition. Also what tit bits do budgies like.
Thank You

If the area above her beak is white, she is still very young.  If it really is a female, it will turn brown or purple within a few weeks.  If  it's a boy, it will turn either blue or pink.

Picking at each other is pretty normal behavior.  Budgies will often preen each other as a sign of affection.  As long as he's not hurting her, it should be fine.  If he seems like he's trying to breed with her (bobbing his head, pacing, trying to mount her), separate them immediately; she is way too young, and breeding could lead to egg binding which can be fatal.

It's not uncommon for them to take a while to get used to a new cage and new friends.  Just give it time and keep an eye on her.

What exactly do you mean by "tid bits"?