Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > running back and forth

running back and forth

23 9:41:42

One week ago I got a budgie that just came out of the nesting box but could feed himself. He is all about getting out of the cage and being free. He has learned to sit on my shoulder and will stay there a long time. He is not fearful.
The problem is that he wants nothing to do with his cage. He runs back and forth frantically when he is in it and when I open the door of the cage to feed him or put toys in he struggles to get out, even biting me to have his way.
It has only been a week, but I want to nip bad behavior in the bud. I worry about his mental health, driving himself crazy. He needs to make friends with his cage. I wish I could let him loose as he likes but I have cats. I let him out for and hour or two when I have a chance, but I am starting to think I should have a regular schedule so he knows when to expect coming out.
Any suggestions?

 Hello Urania,

Ah the joy of having a new bird! I wish I could give you an easy answer and solve your problem for you. This is a critical adjusting period for him, he certainly feels that the cage is punishment to him. A regular schedule would help alot, it may put him in some kind of routine. I think its great that you do not allow your bird to fly free at all times, people seem to think this is a great idea until their bird turns up dead from ingesting something deadly, drowning in a glass of drink, eaten by a cat/dog. Just continue as you are, I had a cockatiel that was fine in the cage ONCE he was in his cage. I guess it was just part of his personality that he did not like going in a cage!

Best of luck to you!