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Flight Feathers

23 9:50:14


We have had baby budgies born this year which have come out of the nest box and can not fly.  The first baby out is ok the others have no flight feathers.

Do you know what has caused this and if there is anything we can do, and also to stop this happening again next year.

Thank you for your help

There are some illnesses that cause a birds feathers to not grow in, or causes them to be very weak, or even to become twisted and brittle. I would check with an avian vet, just to make sure that this isn't the case.

You may also want to provide them with extra cooked eggs, carrots, cooked sweet potatoes, and dark green leafy veggies in hopes that their feathers would grow in stronger (if any do).  There are many nutrients in these foods that promote healthy growth of feathers.  Its good for the adults too, and can help them have healthy, shiny feathers!

Genetics probably play a role in this too. Compare the babies to what their parents look like and how their previous clutches have turned out, if they've had any.  Feather colors, length, flexibility and toughness are all determined by genes. If this is not the first clutch from these birds, and past clutches have been normal, then it probably is not genetics. Again, its best to check with an avian vet.

Best of luck!