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red nostrils and growth near cere

23 9:45:22

Hi Leah, I have a female budgie of a few months old and in the last few days I
have noticed a growth just next to her cere. It's three hard, wart like, small
growths just to the right of her cere. On top of that she has very red nostrils
which has dyed some of her feathers red which leads me to think that it may
be blood. I am very worried. Can you please tell me what's wrong/what I can
do? P.s. it's summer here so it's very hot.

It could be due to mites or lice in the cage.  They sometimes burrow under the skin around the cere causing inflammation, hard wart-like lumps and itching.  Does she seem to scratch or pick at it a lot?  I would take her to a vet to make sure that it isn't something more serious.  If it's just mites, they can give you some medicine to treat her.

Until you can get her to a vet, just try to make her comfortable.  Humidity can sometimes help with irritation like this.  If you have a humidifier, use that.  Or if you don't, just put her in the bathroom with a hot shower running and let the room steam up.  I know, humidity in the summer feel like walking into a brick wall, but it will help your bird.