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Swollen budgie belly

23 9:50:03

Hi, I have a friend who's 6 year old female budgie has a very swollen belly - almost like she ate a watermelon. She lives with a mate and has been mating on and off for about a year. Her poop looks the same except that it is much larger, and her belly doesn't feel hard so I don't think it is because of egg bounding. Any advice would be great, especially if there is a home remedy available. Thanks, Megan

Because she's been mating, an egg sounds like a possibility to me.  It may not be egg binding, but she may be getting ready to lay, even if her belly doesn't feel too hard.  Try putting her cage in the bathroom with the shower running hot water.  The heat and steam will help her relax, and might help the egg pass if this is the problem.  Putting mineral oil or vegetable oil on her vent before you do this can also help the process.  

Does she seem to have labored breathing or other difficulty?  Straining, trouble walking, etc?

If she doesn't pass an egg within the next 24 hours, call a vet.  If it doesn't come out by then, either she's egg bound, or she has some other problem which may require the care of a vet such as growths in her belly.  Hopefully, it will turn out to be nothing, and your friend's budgie will be fine, but better safe than sorry!

Best of luck!