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Budgie cere dry

23 9:53:57

I have a budgie named Chumby A.K.A Chumbawumba he is about 7 months old and is molting has spike head from new feathers etc but what I am concerned about is his cere looks dry like our human skin when dry other wise he is singing and happy and looks good could this happen from the dryness of the heated house? or something he needs extra while molting? would spraying him help this? he has bonded to me nicely since I only had him about 3 weeks he gets up on my hand when I say get up and he calls me when I leave the room etc. happy bird...wouldn't want anything to happen to him...thus the concern... I feed him a more expensive seed mix with added dried fruit and veggies and also a fresh veggie or fruit weekly which he eats thanks in advance for your reply

Hi, Bobbie.  Thanks for posting!

Your budgie's cere is supposed to be dry.  There is no problem here!  If the bird is female, the cere could be dark brown and crusty looking, which is perfectly normal for a female in breeding condition.

An all-seed diet is a poor diet for a bird.  The added, weekly veggies/fruit is not enough.  Your bird needs the veggies/fruit, etc., daily, with seed and pellets mixed.  Try feeding cooked brown rice with shredded veggies/fruits mixed in, corn bread, dry sugarless healthy cereals, wholegrain/multigrain foods, etc.  Take any seed out during the time you are feeding the other foods, and then replace the seed when you remove the other healthy foods (after a couple of hours in the cage).  Otherwise, your bird will always select the seed over the healthy foods.
