Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > what do i feed the mum and does the dad need to move out?

what do i feed the mum and does the dad need to move out?

23 9:44:41

i am thinking of breeding my budgies and i want to know if i have to feed the mum budgie anything special if she is feeding the chicks?  also does the guy budgie have to be taken away from the mum and chicks once theyve hatched

Hello Otti. When you breed budgies, before you breed them, they must be in what you call "breeding condition". It is simple to tell whether or not a Budgie is in breeding condition because the cere on the female will be a dark crusty brownish color. The males cere will be a deep dark smooth blue color. You may introduce the nesting box when this happens. Feed the mother and father fresh veggies, fruits, seed, and water everyday. They will also HAVE to have a cuddle bone in the cage, this will restore the calcium the mother had lost while she developes eggs inside her. They also like scrambeled eggs. The father will not need to be taken out of the cage when the chicks hatch, he needs to be there to help the mother feed them. The only time you need to worry about the father is when the babies start to come out of the nest box, whent his happens the male can become territorial and sometimes kill the babies. This is not common, but it has happened. So just keep an eye out for fighting when the babies emerge from the nest box.

Hope I Helped Otti. Good Luck!