Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > my budgie screams at me

my budgie screams at me

23 9:44:41

I'm really struggling with my budgie, I've  had him for two years now and I still haven't really tamed him. He will sit on my hand in his cage but not when he's out He literally screams at me-he's VERY noisy and he's driving me mad. I'm thinking about finding him a new home but I will be sad to because I do love him. We recently lost his companion which has compounded his aggression. A long time ago, someone suggested that he needed to be clipped but I didn't want to because I felt it was cruel. Do you have any advice?

Hello Sian. If your really wanting a true demesticated bird that will sit on your finger all the time, a budgie isnt going to be that bird. Budgies are no where near domesticated as dogs and cats and parrots are. They like to be away from humans. I suggest you find him a new home if you dont want him beacause hes noisy. Hes a parakeet, hes only doing what his instincts are telling him. Sorry I couldnt help a lot.
