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parakeet pacing

23 9:49:55

High Leah!  Thanks so much for your time.  I just bought my first sweet parakeet about a week ago.  He's about 3-4 months old and though never really socialized much, we're working on it.  He seems to have adjusted well, he is eating, drinking, occasionally in his birdbath, preening normally and talking.  He's still a little wild when out of his cage, but that is to be expected being that he is not sure yet what we expect of him and that we're safe.  My question is that he occasionaly plays with his many availble toys, but would much rather run around the bottom of his cage making short chirping sounds and almost pacing along the walls.  He'll climb to the top of his cage and then kamaze like to the bottom.  Is he just telling me that he enjoys his time outside of his cage or should I be concerned.  Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Pacing is normal, especially in male budgies because that's one of the ways they court their mates.  I doubt this is his intention considering he's so young, but its instinctual.  My boy does the same thing.

The kamikaze thing is also just him goofing around, and it's not going to be a problem as long as he doesn't crash!

Budgies are known for having short attention spans.  Its kind of like having feathery toddlers with ADHD!  He may grow out of these behaviors or may do this until his dying day (hopefully a very long time from now!).  Don't worry about it, he's just keeping himself (and you) amused.

Best of luck!