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keet diet

23 9:54:44

I have a female keet who loves to eat off the cuttlebone. I wondered if she could eat too much and I should regulate her diet.


Hello Dee! I am sorry i am getting to your question late, the past few days i havnt been feeling well but still try to answer Q's when i can. Last night i went to bed early and wasnt able to get on.

Its very good your female loves the cuttlebone. Cuttlebones provide a good amount of calcium as well as help keep their beaks trimmed. Of course too much of any kind of mineral is not healthy to birds but a cuttlebone is small and lasts a while. Too much would be her going through a couple every day or week. A cuttlebone should last more than 2 weeks. With or without the cuttlebone you should regulate her diet. Fresh greens like grass, parsley, and celery tops are a good treat. Keets dont usaully like fruits unless its small like cherry halves. But slices of apples or an orange might be too strong for them. Also give her eggfood. Eggfood is very healthy and provide lots of vitamins, plus the birds love it! With a splendid diet she should somewhat be less tempted to go all out on her cuttle bone. good luck!