Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie Flew off outside

Budgie Flew off outside

23 9:50:57

We have a very loving, family budgie that we purchased from someone who raised by hand.  He is constantly on our shoulders and speaks several words, phrases and sentences that we have taught him.  My husband stepped outside with the bird on his shoulder and the bird flew off, the entire family has been searching for our bird with no success.  Are there recommendations for searching for the bird?  Would he likely be in the trees (we live in a very wooded area) or on the ground.  Are there any patterns or considerations to aid in our search?  Thank You.

I would think he would be in the trees. 0ne of our birds flew off once, and we found him perched in a tree not far from his cage. It took quite a while, but we finally caught him by throwing a dishtowel over him.
I really don't know what to say, but keep trying.
For future refference, I would suggest you keep your birds wings clipped and not take them outside unless they have a carry-cage.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help. :(

Good luck, and I hope you find your little friend!!!