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Cold Budgies!

23 9:45:35

QUESTION: I used to own budgies when I was a little younger, but havent for a few years. A few days ago I got two 7 month old budgies, one of which seems to have settled in nicely; he is still a little quiet but appears to be quite happy. The second however seems a little subdued and I'm not sure why, perhaps he's taking a little longer to settle, but
I'm worried that my room is too cold for them? Its not freezing but can become quite chilly as the radiator is broken!
I cover them up at night, but do they get cold during the day?


ANSWER: What is the temperature of the room they are in?  Around 70oF or 20oC is about the minimum temperature you should have around the cage.  If it's much lower than that, they can get sick or become restless.  They can get cold at any time, day or night, but obviously at night it's a bigger concern.  Covering them is a good preventative measure, but once it's already cold, it won't do much good.

I would find a friend or neighbor who can look after them for a while until your radiator is fixed.  That way you won't risk anything happen to them.  It may take a while for them to re-adjust to moving back and forth, but it's better than risking their health.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou thats great, I was getting a bit panicky about it!
As I say the bigger one seems quite chirpy but i'm still concerned about the smaller one, he is very still and quiet until I go near the cage, when he'll look up and make some noise (and sometimes go mental and flap around, but not usually, they seem fairly placid)
As I mentioned before they are both 7 months old - is that far too late to introduce them to hand training, is it a lost cause or shall i give it ago?
My last budgies I got at around the same age, perhaps a little younger, and they were having none of it, both males like these too!

Some budgies are more loquacious than others.  They sometimes only talk if they are stimulated to.  Mine only talk when I'm around, but are happy and healthy otherwise.  It's  just a personality quirk.

While it's best to start taming them when they're babies, around four weeks old, it's not impossible to teach older birds.  If you want to start, I suggest that you start now.

Start by spending about a half hour a day talking to them.  Talk, sing, whatever you're comfortable with.  Just get them acquainted with lots of contact.  Do this for about a week, but it might take longer.  Then put your hand in the cage, still talking to them.  Keep it still, just let them get used to your hand.  Again, do this for about a half hour a day for a week.  Then slowly begin moving it closer to them, petting them gently.  Eventually they will become very tame if you do this.