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budgie playtime

23 9:46:03

hello leah. i have 2 budgies. bella and jasper. i had jasper for 7 months and bella for 1 month. bella is under 4 months but jasper is older than 4 months. i bought bella to try to get jasper to start playing. he never ever plays with his toys and neither does bella. i brought them to an avian vet and he says they're perfectly healthy. is this normal behavior?

Budgies are picky.  They usually don't like what you give them on the first try.  You could give them things like Chinese finger traps or cupcake wrappers for them to tear up; they might like that.  Some budgies just don't like toys, if they don't, there's nothing wrong with them, they just don't want to play with them.