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My budgie Pickle

23 9:46:03

My budgie Pickle is very itchy around her eyes and is swollen around her eyes. She has become scared and protective of her cage. I can not touch her without scaring her or getting bitten. she is the only bird in her cage. She does everything else normally if i clean her cage it does not help.


Scaly Face Budgie
It sounds like Pickle has a condition called scaly face.  Does it look like this picture?  It's caused by mites or lice burrowing under the skin.  It causes itching, swelling, and flaky scaly skin.  It really bothers the bird, and if untreated can be fatal.  If you take her to a vet, they can give you some medicine.  That will kill the parasites, and allow her to start healing.  The vet might also give you some ointment to sooth her discomfort.  Once this goes away, she should be back to her normal self.

Cleaning the cage, as you've already found out, will not get rid of the problem.  The mites and lice that cause the condition live on the bird, not the cage.  Once they medicine kills them, they shouldn't come back.