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Budgie Cagemate

23 9:50:10

I've had parakeets since i was young so am pretty confident in what to do, but i wanted some advice. I always keep them in pairs or groups, i've found it keeps them healthier and happier. Ive also had a few, how shall i say "special" ones (one had a cleft foot and was rather small for its age, the one i have now had its leg dislocated from a bigger bird the pet store had it caged with.) The "special" one that i have now, cant have its leg fixed it would cause more damage than good, and she can use it just fine.... Anyways, I also have a pair that I keep in another cage (the cages are side by side so the "special" one doesnt get lonely), however I would like to get another bird in that cage, BUT knowing the flock mentalitly of budgies, being to beat up the injured or sick, im worried about putting another budgie in there with it. The two i have now are too aggressive as is, so i know better than to stick them all in the same cage (they can "talk" through the safety of the bars).
Do you have any suggestions? I know its not wise to put hookbills and straights in the same cage options are limited....
Anything that you can offer would be helpful.

Hi LaDena!

If I were you, I would put them together in another room. That way it will be something brand-new for all the birds, so they will all be a bit scared and less likely to bully your injured bird. I personally have an injured budgie, he had an infection in his toes and it literally ate his toes away, and though he is injured and has trouble perching, he is the alpha male of the cage. A lot of the time caged birds act differently from wild birds, and if you've had your cages together for a while then I don't see a problem with you introducing all your budgies to one cage. If not and this arrangement is working well for you, then keep things as they are! If you have any more questions feel free to ask a follow-up!

Hope this helps!