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Elongated beek

23 9:50:38

We have 4 parakeets and on 1 of them, their beak has gotten very long. What do we do for it

Dear Roberta,
thank you for your question.
I recommend seeing an avian vet with the bird. It's possible to shorten the beak yourself, but it's not that easy and it's better if you let the vet show you how to do it first. You can offer branches from hazel, beech, birch, willow, poplar, apple and pear tree (if you can find untreated trees) as perches, the budgies will enjoy gnawing the bark and it will help with keeping the bill short.

A beak that keeps growing too long may also be a sign of a health problem, particular of kidney problems, so it's a good idea to let the vet check the bird.
You can find avian vets on these websites:

I hope I was of some help to you