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long distance travel

23 9:45:44

I'm moving over 15 hours away, and need to travel with my two parakeets.  What are some tips you could offer to me to keep them safe?  Any tips would be appreciated!

Dear Katie,
thank you for your question.
Many parakeets are not really bothered by travelling. Make sure they don't get too warm or cold and cover at least half of their cage with a cloth so that they feel safe and not too exposed. If they are frightened by the moving car, cover the cage completely. Many enjoy looking outside the window, though.

I would keep their water bowl in the cage, half-filled so that it doesn't spill. Cucumber, if they eat that, can be offered instead, but on such a long trip, water may be better. The food should definitely stay, even if they don't eat anything.

I usually place the cage in the co-driver's footwell or behind the co-diver's seat so that it can't topple. That way, you can keep an eye on them, too.
I hope I was of some help to you