Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Parakeet has stopped singing

Parakeet has stopped singing

23 9:51:54

We have a three year old male parakeet.  He is normally very vocal, singing and whistling.  He has not made a sound in two days.  Why?

Hello Barbara,

There could be many reasons why your bird is acting this way. If it is scared or shocked by something it may stop singing. Did you put a new toy in its cage that he is afraid of? Do you have any other animals? Did you just get this bird? Is he the only one in his cage? Maybe he's lonely. Did you change anything before he started being quiet? New diet, new food, new people in the house, an animal frightening it...any of this could be contributing to his muteness.

If he is not showing any other signs of illness...(not eating or drinking, drooping wings, diarrhea...etc.) then i don't think he is ill. But keep in mind that birds are extremely well at hiding illness before it is too late.

Hope this helps!
