Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Femaile bugie not to strong after death of male

Femaile bugie not to strong after death of male

23 9:51:54

My female bugie is not to strong this morning and the male just died yesterday we've got her a new mate but now she not to strong and bearly moving her eyes a blinking and she's looking at us. The only thing she never let us touch her before and now she's just letting us hold her and pet her what would be the cause of all this. I know we've been doing some painting on the main floor to refresh the house but the bird cage is on the second floor where we keep the heat and all. Can you tell me what maybe the cause of her illness

Hello Marjolaine,

I am sorry to hear about your budgie. Do you have any idea what the male died from? If he was sick, your female may have the same thing. Did your male act funny before he died? Bird's noses are much more sensitive than ours and can smell things we cannot smell. The painting may have had an affect on your birds. Is everything else still the same with her? Is she eating? You can ask a follow up question and tell me if there is anything else going on. If she is sick and it is contagious your new bird could get it to. I would separate her from him and call your avian vet to get her checked out. Just to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps!
