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Budgie house switching

23 9:50:08

I am thinking about buying a parakeet but have recently come across a problem, my parents are divorced and so I go from house to house every week. I'm wondering if a parakeet will be ok with switching houses like that and if there are any extra things I'd have to do to make him happy.
Thanks, Adrian Luginbuhl

ANSWER: Hi Adrian!

It may be okay to move a budgie from house to house, but you would have to be careful in how you did it and how you got the budgie used to moving from environment to environment. One thing to think about is if you are going to transport the cage or use two different cages. Either way, you are going to need a travel cage. Start out with your budgie at one house for about two weeks and then bring him over to the other house and leave him there for two weeks. Then, take him back to the first house he was in for a week, and then at the other house for a week. Once you get him on your schedule of moving he won't stress out so much. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask a follow-up question!

Hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Yes this does help a lot, so thank you very much. Although there is one more dilemma, at one of the two houses there's a cat....Dun dun dun duuun. I will obviously take extra precautions and close the room of to it, but is there other ways of protecting the parakeets? Any small thing will help.

      Adrian Luginbuhl

Hi Adrian!

As long as the cage is secure you budgie should be fine. I have two cats and they enjoy watching the budgies, but have never hurt them. There are special sprays to keep cats away from things, but you would have to make sure these weren't toxic for your parakeet. The best way to keep your bird safe is to give him a secure cage he can't get out of and the cat can't get into.

Hope this helps!