Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > lovebirds


23 9:41:40

its me again nina,incase you dont rember it was about my lovebirds layin eggs but not sitting on them, you told me i could buy an incubater. I wanted to know if the eggs do hatch should i seperate it from the farther? beacasue botch of them are pretty vicous but i doubt the mother would harm it

 Hi again Nina,

I would just suggest that you read a few books and do some online research about breeding and caring for lovebirds/parrots before you attempt to let them nest down. To answer your question, it all depends on your birds. Even if they do not harm them, they will likely not care for them unless they have been mother and father enough to build a nest and incubate the eggs themselves. You will have to hand feed the baby birds and provide a brooder that will keep them at the appropriate comfort level until they feather out.