Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > I dont know what is wrong with my buggie Mango?

I dont know what is wrong with my buggie Mango?

23 9:51:21

Last night i noticed my buggie was eating her feathers and there is blood on them and her beak... I was told to get a bigger cage and a friend and she would be fine but i dont know im realy worried and need to know what it is caused by. I can't take her to the vet for another week... if u could tell me what is wrong or what i should do that would be great.

Hello Santana,

It sounds like your budgie is becoming a feather plucker. Is your bird actually pulling her feathers out? This is caused by stress or by fear. What you need to do is put the bird in a quiet, semi-dark (maybe just a light or two on), warm room. Keep her calm. This will hopefully alleviate some of her fear or stress. You definitely need to get her to a vet though.

I have a good website for you to go to on how to deal with feather pluckers.

I would not get her a friend until you have taken her to the vet and found out for sure what is wrong with her.

I hope your budgie is alright!

Hope this helps!
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