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Growing Crust

23 9:52:56

There is a growing crust on my budgies face, mainly around his eyes and beak. We have tried washing it off with warm water and a cloth, but it wont come off. What is this, and how can it be fixed?

Hi, Tara.

Sounds like your budgie has scaly face mites.  Scaly face mites are parasites that bury under the bird's skin around the beak, eyes, and on the legs/feet.  The raised areas look like warts.  Is this what you are seeing?  If so, you need to get some medication from a certified avian veterinarian.  It only takes 1-2 drops down the throat once or twice and the mites will go away.  However, you need to be sure this is what your bird has.  You need to make an appointment with an avian veterinarian.  The internet has lots of information on scaly face mites with pictures.  Some of the pictures you'll see are extreme cases...your bird may not have them this badly yet.  In beginning stages, the raised areas looks like warts.
