Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > my birds just layed eggs and i dont know wut to do

my birds just layed eggs and i dont know wut to do

23 9:45:45

My keets just layed an egg and it cracked the shell but the membrane is still not broken and and it looks really thin and it barley cracked is is ok??
i have seen them mate in the past so it might be feral.  i have two females and one male will my other female try to destroy the egg??
and how many will she lay?  how long will it take how do i know when she done laying and how long will it take them to hatch

With the cracked egg, you can try to repair it.  Get some Elmer's glue and paint a thin coat over the crack and let it dry.  Then put it back in the nest.

Females will rarely attack eggs.  They don't distinguish another budgie's eggs from their own really.

Budgies usually lay between three and six eggs, one every other day usually.  They hatch about 18 days after the female starts to incubate, which is usually once she has two eggs.  There's no real way to tell when she's done except watching and counting the eggs.