Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > i think my budgie has a broken leg...

i think my budgie has a broken leg...

23 9:52:46

Today while i was changing my budgies' food and water i noticed that my younger one was having trouble walking.i picked it up and saw that its leg was a bit off to the side and the bird cant seem to get it to work quite well. it has trouble balancing and needs to use its wing for balance most of the its leg broken??? i really hope not but it is young and its wings are too short for it to fly so it does fall a lot. what should i do??

Hi, Rafi,

I don't know if your bird's leg is broken.  I'd need to see a photo.  If the leg is broken, it will just hang and the bird will not be able to use it at all.  You might even be able to see a bone sticking out.  I recommend you take this bird to a certified avian vet ASAP for a diagnosis of the problem.  If the leg is broken, it needs to be fixed ASAP or the bird might be crippled all its life.  Your bird could have injured itself and not have a broken leg, but someone who knows about parrots needs to look at it in order to determine what the problem is and how to treat it.  An avian vet would be your best choice for this.
