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Cage and budgies?

23 9:45:21

Hi, You have been answering my questions sooo wonderfully!!! THABK YOU! I
have seen and heard about so many aviaries and groups of birds so I finally
got 3 pairs! they are all hand tame and one of the pairs is very lovey dovey
and crush kind of thing. they are kind of boring all they do is talk and cuddle
but my other 4 birds have quite the personalities and are always funny. the
only problem is that they are in all separate cages right now but  when i let
them out they all make a little flock. SO...Should I leave them in their cages
like they are now? or should I get a bigger cage and put them all in ? Will this
bother them? right now they are in cages that can fit 2 birds each. So would
getting one of those long rectangular ones be too small? I don't want to ask
the people at the pet store because I don't  think they are the best  (I got a
budgie there once and the lady dropped her and she almost got stepped on
:o) so  I was hoping it will fit all of them and if it doesn't...a bigger cage or
will this upset them  they will still get flying time i am just wondering what  
would be best for them... Thanks soo much!!!!

If you have a lovey-dovey pair, I would leave them "alone" if you catch my drift.  Unless you don't want them to breed, then you can move them.  You should be able to put the others together though.  How big is the long cage?  Spacing is a bit tricky and does involve a bit of math.  For 1 to 3 birds, a cubic foot each is considered enough space.  For 4 or more, you need about three cubic feet each so they don't feel crowded.  To find a cage big enough, measure it.  Obviously cages come in different shapes and sizes, but that's something like 3ftx4ftx3ft.  Sometimes though, you just need to use your better judgment.  With some of the newer cages, they list the approximate number of birds that the cage is rated for.