Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > birds


23 9:44:39

I have a male and a female parakeet and the female laid one egg the first time and it hatched and grew up. but she started to attack the baby and the father so i put the baby with his father in another cage. Now the female has laid three more and they have all come out of the box. the oldest of the three is being attacked by the mother so i put him in with his brother and father. The father and the baby are scared of the new baby and the new baby will peck at them and scare them off the branch. i don't know what to do because i don't know if the new baby can eat for itself yet. also whenever i let them all out of the cage the mother attacks the old baby (the one that was with his father) and when she is "kissing" the father she will all of a sudden attack for no reason. ???

Hello Adib.
You need to observe and see if the baby is eating. If it isnt eating at all, she will die. If its been several days and the baby looks fine, shes probably eating, just not while your watching. Just because parakeets peck at one another doesnt mean they are going kill eachother. Pecking is fine, its just like a little argument. Its different when a parakeet is going out of its way to constantly attack another parakeet. Watch for this when you let them all out together.