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parakeet feather plucking

23 9:53:30

QUESTION: I have an albino female parakeet that I raised and one day she just started plucking out her feathers so I decided to let her breed to see if she was frustrated but she has 5 eggs now and continues to pluck her feathers please help
ANSWER: Hi, Matt.  Thanks for posting!

How old is your bird?  What kind of diet is she on?  Does she bathe on her own or do you spray mist her at all?  What's the humidity like in the home?  Is this bird bald or to what extent has she plucked herself?  Where is the bird plucked on the body?

The answers to the above will help me try to determine what the problem might be.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Chrys she is almost 2years old her feed is kaytee forte diet and fresh veggies I mist them regularly she is fairly bald she has plucked down to her vent in the front and some on her back her wings tail and head are feathered

Hi again, Matt.

The plucking could be diet related.  Seed is high in fat and low in nutritional value, thus, she may not be getting all the vitamins and nutrients she needs.  Try to include pelleted food in her diet.  The veggies are good, but only if she eats enough to make a difference.  In addition, if your home is dry, the dry air could be causing itching (dry skin).  You'd need to add some humidity to your home/room where the bird lives.  You could try adding some aloe vera to the water you spray mist your bird with.  Plucking can also be the result of too much stress in a bird's life, bordom, other psychological reasons.  In order to fix feather plucking, you have to determine the reason(s) for the plucking, which often is very difficult to do.  It's really a process of elimination.  Therefore, try the above first and see what happens.  Keep me informed.  
