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HELP! Baby Budgies dont want to eat??

23 9:45:14

I have 4 budgies that are about 3 weeks old 2 are almost 4 weeks! This morning my female bird killed my male bird, so i took the babies out of the nest because they were not being fed. I have tried several attempts to handfeed, but they will not give a feeding response nor will they take interest in the formula.  I don't know what to do?? I keep trying to handfeed every hour or so just so that they can get use to it, but they just wont eat...any suggestions?

What have you been using to try to feed them?  An eyedropper usually works best.

Did you warm the formula first?  It has to be warm first or not only will they not like it, it can be hard for them to digest and can harm them.

Thankfully they are old enough that they can be weaned soon.  Some of the older ones might be losing interest in the formula because they wean themselves off it naturally around this age.  Try giving them access to seed and see if they'll eat it.

If you still can't get them to eat by the time you get this, call a vet and ask them because there may be something wrong.