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My budgies beak, please help!

23 9:50:30

Hello, I would like you to please help me, This morning when I saw my budgie he had no beak, it was out and I don't know how it came out, I don't know wether the other birds in the cage were fighting with him as last night I did hear them chirping loudly, He can drink water but he cannot eat and he seems to be very hungry and he is trying to eat but he can't , Please help me and tell me what to do and wether he will dye or not, and can he grow another beak, thanks.

Dear Sarah,
thank you for your question.
Please see an avian vet with the bird as soon as possible. You will find lists of good vets here:

He probably got caught somewhere with his beak, I don't think that any of the other birds did this. You need to offer food that's soft so that he can eat it, try offering germinated seeds (put the seeds in water for 24 hours, then rinse them and offer them to the bird). For now, grated apple or carrot or mushy fruits like banana or kiwi can be offered so that the bird can at least eat something. Makre sure he gets enough of the food, if neccessary he must be separated from the group, but with one other bird as company.

The beak will probably grow back, but it may take a long time. But only a vet can really judge the chances of the bird. Here's a website that has some info on budgies with broken beaks and what do to:
I hope I was of some help to you