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Line on female budgie

23 9:50:57


I have got a female budgie together with a male, Im planning on breeding them however the female is about 4 years old and the male is about 1. However recently I have noticed a line running half way down her chest, Im sure its not due to being overweight as she looks the same and have not put on any weight. What may have caused the line?
Thanks alot for your help

ANSWER: Hi, Jeremiah!

The line could be from any number of things.  Is it a line, or just a part in the feathers?  Sometimes, when they get ready to breed, they groom excessively, both themselves and each other.  Sometimes this can cause the feathers to part or they can even develop bald spots.

Did you change their food recently?  Sometimes, if they were fed a low grade food, and are given more nutrition later, their plumage becomes more vibrant, and you notice things that weren't there before.

Lines on budgies are pretty common.  Most young budgies have lines on the backs of their heads and neck that fade within the first year.  Keep in mind that colorations are unique to the bird, and that line is just part of what makes your budgie unique.

Hope this helps!

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That was great info that you gave me, Yes I did change their food recently so I think this might be the course of it. Would it b healthy for her to breed again with her new partner? Thanks alot for the help!

ANSWER: She should be fine with her new partner, provided you have a large enough cage, nest box, and they're in overall good health.

Usually when they get ready to breed, they start grooming each other constantly, and might even get a bit aggressive.  As long as no one's getting hurt, they should be fine!

Feel free to ask me more questions if you have them, but breeding is a bit of a gray area to me, so you might be better off with another expert!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks once again, you have been really helpful, Im also going to purchase a medium aviary, just wondering during the winter how would i be able to keep the budgies warm or would they be ok once they are in the aviary outside.

It depends on the aviary and where you live.  If you live in Oregon, like I do, its probably not a good idea to leave them outside in the winter!  Some aviaries have a side room, which is insulated where they can roost warmly in the winter.  Some even have heaters, humidifiers, and more features than most apartments!  It depends on your aviary.

If you have very cold or wet winters, I would bring them in for the winter months.  Then, you can let them out in the aviary again when it warms up.