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buying a budgie

23 9:50:20

Hello Erika. We have a budgie that we inherited from my daughter's school last March. We have tried to train it and are not having very good luck. Some people have told us that we should get another budgie to see if that would help his behavior. I have been trying to find a good, quality store to purchase a budgie. I live in Charleston, West Virginia, but am visiting right now in Atlanta, GA. I thought for sure, I could find a good store while here. I have searching online to no avail. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your time...
kasey russell

Hi Kasey!

Buying a budgie will not improve your other budgies behavior to humans, it will just make both birds shy and skittish around people. I suggest looking for a breeder and asking around at your vet's office. A lot of times there are people like me who don't advertise their chicks, but have some very good quality budgies for sale. I sometimes advertise in the paper, so that would be a good place to look for budgies and just ask around. A lot of the times budgie raised by an amateur breeder make the best pets because they have contact with humans since they were babies.

Hope this helps!