Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > How can you tell the gender of 2 budgies

How can you tell the gender of 2 budgies

23 9:52:58

i just got two birds yesterday and i was wondering how can you tell them what sex their are.

And also i was wondering how can you train them. = S

Hi, Rankin.

Depending on the feather coloration of the birds, males generally have blue ceres (the cere is the colored area above the beak); females have white/brown/tan/beige ceres.  Cere color can change until budgies have molted at least once at about 6 months of age.  If your birds are not 6 months old, be aware cere color can change, depending on the overall coloration of the bird.  

Are you interested in TRAINING your birds to do certain things or TAMING them so you can handle them?  There is a difference between the two.  Either takes much time and patience and knowledge on your part.  Since birds prefer other birds to humans, this may not be successful since you have 2 birds and they will most likely bond to each other instead of you.  
