Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie is three months how can i find his/her gender

Budgie is three months how can i find his/her gender

23 9:52:12

Hello Chrys, I have read some of your past questions but i still don't know how to tell what Gender my budgies are. I have two budgies and their ceres are a bit different. How can i distinguish their genders?

Hi, Jesse,

Your budgies at 3 months of age may not be able to be sexed yet.  You need to wait until your birds go through at least 1 molt at about 6 months of age.  Otherwise, their cere coloration can change.  Usually, and this depends on overall feather coloration, males have blue ceres and females have any other color (usually brown/beige/tan/white).  At 3 months of age, ceres can change and/or are not quite colored out yet.  Use cere color along with behavior in order to sex.
